5 Ways To Step Up Your Facebook Game
Here’s the deal: Millennials (your clients) expect businesses to be active on at least 3 to 4 social channels. Add to that, 34% of Millennials say that if a brand uses social media, they like that brand more than a brand that does not.
Translation? It’s in your best interest to make sure your Facebook business page is in tip-top shape. But how exactly do you improve your page – not just to get more likes on a single post, but to really peak your followers’ interest and improve engagement rates? Here are 5 easy tactics to try.
1. Take a video-first approach.
Video is hotter than ever right now and that’s especially true for Facebook posts. In fact, by some estimates, by the year 2020, 80% of the content we consume online will be video. Let that sink in for a minute and then put video at the top of your list of social media trends to try. Add to that, the average video post generates 135% greater organic (not paid) reach than a photo or text-only post. In short: your followers want visual content that they can consume easily.
Keep In Mind: There are lots of ways to create video for your business. You could have highly produced videos of you in action, a sizzle reel of you and what you’re all about, or even a real wedding video showcasing your work. Your videos could also be highly under-produced and more real and raw. For example, maybe you have your assistant take a quick 15-second video of you setting up before the reception. Or perhaps it’s a quick selfie video of you giving a tour of your office. The point is that if you’re going to step up your game on Facebook, you’re going to want to incorporate video content.
2. Customize your call-to-action button.
Did you know that you can change the call-to-action button (as in the button that sends visitors off to your website) on your Facebook page? And changing the copy on that button can help increase conversion rates and leads your way! For example, if you’re a videographer, you might want to use the “Watch Video” button. If you’re a makeup artist, the “Book Now” button might be more appropriate. How to swap around your call-to-action button copy? Hover over the current call-to-action button below your cover photo and click “Edit Button.” Then swap out for the one that works best for your business.
Keep In Mind: Test out each call to action and then click over to the View Insights tab to track the number of clicks each button receives to figure out which one works best. (Read more on the topic on Facebook’s help page here).
3. Engage with your Facebook followers.
One of the the best way to get love on your posts is to give it. Actively monitor the comments and likes on your page for a few minutes every day and respond to everyone who takes action on your page (good and bad). And take time to check out your followers’ pages, and show them some appreciation.
Keep In Mind: If you use your personal Facebook page along with your business one, you might have unread messages from potential clients that have slipped through the cracks in your “Message Requests” tab. Facebook sends messages from people you’re not currently friends with, or following to this section of your Inbox. Navigate to your Inbox and look for the “Message Requests” tab in your Inbox to see unread message requests.
4. Follow a posting schedule.
If a couple stumbles upon (read: stalks you) your Facebook page and you haven’t posted in weeks, they’re more likely to pass on you than they would be had you appeared more active (seriously). Come up with a posting cadence that works for you will get you into a rhythm, and give potential clients a feel for what it’s really like to work with you. How often to post? According to Constant Contact, the sweet spot for posting on Facebook for a small business is 1-2 times per day. Start there. You can always adjust the type of content, and the time of day that you post to cater to your followers.
Keep In Mind: Facebook has its own easy scheduling option for posts that you should be taking advantage of. To create a post ahead of time, navigate to the “Publishing Tools” tab of your page, and click the “Create” button. After drafting your post, click the drop down arrow located next to “Publish” and toggle to “Schedule.” Select the date and time that you want the post to go live, and click “Schedule” again to confirm.
5. Cross promote your Facebook page.
Let’s say you’re doing a great job growing your followers on Instagram, but hitting a wall with Facebook. The genius of social media is the ability to cross-promote your accounts and peak your followers’ interest from one to another. An idea to try: Include a link to a recent Facebook album or write-up in your Instagram bio. It’s a great way to re-route your Instagram followers to your Facebook page.
Keep In Mind: Timeliness is incredibly important. If you are going to use your Instagram bio to promote an album from your Facebook page, make sure that the link works and is a recent post!
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