Leaning On Community: How to Ask for Help from Other Pros
Because that’s what your business community is for
As a wedding pro, you’ve likely created a thriving and supportive community that encourages you to call on it when you need to. But we know when those hard times eventually rear their ugly head, it can be hard to actually follow through on that favor. Maybe it’s because you don’t think asking for help will really make a difference. Maybe it’s because you want to overcome the challenge on your own. Or maybe it’s because you are hesitant to admit you need help.
Regardless of your reason, we wanted to remind you that asking for support is not only normal but absolutely necessary (especially if you’re a solopreneur). It’s also part of the reason you’ve worked so hard to network and build a business community! So today, we wanted to talk about how to ask for help and encourage you to lean on other pros for support when you need it—because your friends are here to help.
We get it—it can be hard to ask for help
When it’s your job to be the person others rely on to help bring their wedding to life, it can be a puzzle to figure out how to ask for help yourself. And, according to Psychology Today, there are a few reasons this can be true:
- People view asking for help as being a burden on others
- People see asking for help as being vulnerable (read: weak)
- People are quick to assume other people can’t or won’t help
But, again, it’s normal and necessary for you to need help sometimes, especially when things are busy, or you have an emergency. Plus, people enjoy helping others, particularly wedding industry folks! Think about it this way: if someone you know asked for help, you would be happy to come to their aid, right? The same can be said for other pros in your life.
So instead of thinking of asking for help as being a burden, a sign of weakness, or something no one has time for, we encourage you to remind yourself of the fact that the wedding industry is full of amazing people who want to do nothing more than help others.
Examples of when it’s a great time to ask for help
While you don’t need a reason to ask for help other than feeling like you need it, there are tons of everyday examples of wedding pros asking for support. So, in case you ever find yourself in a situation like any of these, don’t think twice about leaning on your network and business community for help.
You have an emergency and need someone to fill in
No one ever wants to have to step away from a wedding, but emergencies happen. And regardless of what the emergency is, it’s okay to put your needs first. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you can no longer provide contracted services, be sure to have a few trusted professional friends on deck that can fill in for you. Additionally, it’s also a good idea to get in the habit of documenting everything that needs to be done to make the transition as easy as possible.
Pro-tip: When the going gets rough, here are words of wisdom to help you get through.
You need an extra set of hands
Sometimes a wedding can get bigger, more time-consuming or more complicated than you originally thought. When that’s the case, it’s a great time to see if anyone in your network can provide an extra set of hands. Whether that’s coming on as your number 2, an assistant or bulking up your set-up or strike crew, asking for help is a great way to ensure the wedding day runs smoothly.
Pro-tip: If you’re needing to call in reinforcements regularly, here is a great article to help if you’re looking to recruit talented people and hire an employee.
You need help getting more clients
If you’re just starting out wanting to start filling in your calendar a bit more, you can always lean on your burgeoning business community for help. Reach out to your network, let them know what your available dates are and ask for leads on any dates they are already booked. Most wedding pros are happy to do this. Once you’ve gotten more experience under your belt, you’ll be able to return the favor or pay it forward to others.
Pro-tip: If you’re looking for ways to book more clients and fill your calendar, it might be time to start advertising your wedding business.
You want to explore new business opportunities
A lot of wedding pros will have ideas for new services or whole businesses at some point. When you do, it’s a good idea to ask other people for help fleshing those ideas out. Because we all know it takes a village to run a business, leaning on your community as a sounding board is a great way to ask for their support.
Pro-tip: Thinking about adding new revenue streams to your business? Here are some passive income ideas for wedding pros.
You need business advice
Speaking of sounding boards, we have yet to meet a wedding pro who has never needed business advice. From talking through complicated situations you might find yourself in with a client to asking for referrals for hiring different professional services, you should never feel like you’re on your own to find the answers or advice you need.
Pro-tip: Here are 8 people every wedding business owner needs to have on speed dial.
You need to borrow something
Someday you might find yourself 40 votives, 15 bistro chairs or a bucket of white garden roses short—asking for help will probably be the easiest way to get what you need! Almost every wedding pro has staple products on hand, so if you find yourself needing a few more of something, ask your network and someone will more than likely have what you need and be happy to help you out.
Pro-tip: Taking a community over competition approach to your business strategy is good for everyone.
Want to make sure you’re growing your business community so you always have one to lean on for help? Here are our tips to help you network with intention.
Photo Credit: Yuriy Golub / Shutterstock.com
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