What You Get When You Advertise with WeddingPro
Online wedding websites are one of the top ways pros get in front of more couples. And, when you start advertising with WeddingPro (which puts the power of both The Knot and WeddingWire behind you), you’ll get access to so many features and tools that will help you connect with your ideal client way more often. So, let’s peel back the curtain, put all the cards on the table and get you the information you need so you can make the best decision for your advertising future. Keep reading to learn just some of the things you’ll get when you advertise with WeddingPro!
First, what is WeddingPro?
The Knot and WeddingWire are extremely recognizable (and popular) brands in the wedding industry, and since their founding in 1996 and 2007, both have become go-to wedding planning resources for couples around the world. But just as couples deserve the best from the brands serving them, so do you—and that’s why WeddingPro was launched as its own brand in 2019. WeddingPro is the online home for wedding professionals and business owners to continue their education, grow their community and put their businesses in front of the millions of couples planning their weddings on The Knot and WeddingWire.
Put your business in front of couples (at the right time)
One of the biggest perks of advertising with WeddingPro is the massive audience you get to tap into. The Knot and WeddingWire have over 20 million unique visitors every single month and that is just the start. Those 20 million visitors? They are actively in the process of planning a wedding, which means they are the right people, looking at the right time and you just need to put your business in the right place with a listing on The Knot and WeddingWire.
Did you know? Today’s couples rely heavily on the overall review ratings (96%), photos (93%) and the total number of reviews (92%) to make their booking decisions. Your Storefront allows you to showcase all 3 in the moments they want to see each.
Personalize your advertising
Of all the ways you can potentially market your business, this may not be the channel you first consider to be very personal—but it absolutely is. Because, in addition to having the ability to customize each of your Storefronts (tailoring the content to your ideal client personas), the millions of people visiting The Knot and WeddingWire can personalize their search using the different filters (location, price and diversity filters) to find just the right candidates. That’s a level of personalization you don’t see on other advertising channels—giving couples the tools they need to narrow their search means you get warmer leads.
Get top placement
How your business ranks on the internet is important since most people will never click through to the second page of search results. So, when we talk about placement, we’re able to support you in two ways. The first way is with how your Storefronts show up when couples search for pros on The Knot and WeddingWire. Specifically, businesses that advertise with The Knot and WeddingWire will always show up higher than free listings in the search results, giving them the best chance to draw in the leads you want out of the 9 million we deliver every year.
The second has to do with search engines, like Google. The Knot and WeddingWire have been building the biggest (and strongest) online presence for decades, and because of that, we get to pass those SEO benefits along to you. Storefronts on The Knot and WeddingWire outrank general websites in search results—even when you are searching directly for your own business.
Did you know? Our goal is to get you a steady stream of wedding leads and we’re doing just that! We’ve seen a 25% increase in the number of inquiries being submitted and a 67% increase in the conversion (of a lead to a booking) from last year to this.
Access to powerful analytics
While some of the decisions you make for your business can be made from your gut, it’s easier to feel more confident about the choices you’re making when you have numbers to back it up. That’s why we are sure to give you access to the analytics you need to track your results. Among other things, you’ll be able to see data about how many couples have visited your Storefront and how many leads you’ve received without needing to dig for data or crunch the numbers yourself.
An instant community
There’s more to advertising with WeddingPro than our best-in-class advertising features—we’re here to help you build connections, network with other pros and have fun at our community events. And whether you join us at COR (a 2-day conference) or one of our more intimate socials, you’ll never be without someone cheering for your success. Don’t just take our word for it—take theirs.
Did you know? To help support your journey as a WeddingPro community member, you’ll have access to our Support team who can answer any questions you may have about setting up your Storefront listings.
Free education
We want to help you drive results in every aspect of your business, so there are regular opportunities for you to invest in your business education. You can attend our monthly webinars to learn what other pros are doing to grow their businesses. You can peruse the WeddingPro blog at any time to dig deeper into the topics you’re interested in the most. You can sign up for our newsletter (at the bottom of this page) to have the top stories and resources land right in your inbox. There are tons of options for you to join live or at your leisure (and for free)!
Fun along the way
What would this all be without a little fun? This is the wedding industry after all. And even though we might be covering some serious topics, we’re always sure to lighten the mood—your days can be serious enough. So if you’re wanting to add a laugh to your daily schedule, be sure to follow WeddingPro on Instagram.
Excited about everything you get when you decide to advertise with WeddingPro? Let’s get your Storefronts set up and leads coming your way—simply fill out this form and we’ll be in touch.
Photo Credit: ColorJoyStock.com
Let's grow your business together!
Start advertising on The Knot and WeddingWire, the top two wedding planning platforms.