Checking In With the Fellowship for Change Class of 2022
On top of providing pros with an industry-leading advertising platform and business-changing education, the WeddingPro team is also dedicated to giving pros the opportunity to propel their business forward with our foundational programs. And Fellowship for Change is our flagship program geared towards doing just that for pros in underrepresented communities.
For the past several months, our class of Fellowship for Change 2022 fellows have been learning a lot about themselves, their businesses and the industry as a whole so they can deliver even better services and products to their clients and have the tools they need to ensure continued success once they finish the program. From mentorship to advertising support, we’re striving to break down barriers in our industry so every pro can truly flourish, no matter their background.
We wanted to check in with some of our fellows to get some insight into what they’ve been learning, and how the program has impacted them so far. Read on to learn more!
Rebecca Wiglama
Instagram: @oakcityceremonies
What is something that surprised you about the program?
What has surprised me most is how incredibly valuable the mentorship aspect of the program has been. When I applied for the scholarship, I assumed that the free advertising with WeddingPro would be the most beneficial to me and my business, but now I would say that it has 100% been working with my mentor, Bethel. Having someone with a ton more experience and knowledge than me who doesn’t want to teach me stuff I already know, but instead just lets me pick her brain and gives me insight into a pretty niche business has been amazing! I had things going pretty well already, but she has really helped me to see ways to improve my weak spots and be even better at what I do. I’ve really appreciated her willingness to help me and her wealth of insight!
Rachel Held
Instagram: @letspoptheconfetti
How has your business changed since starting the program?
Ever since being accepted into this program and getting paired with a mentor who is also a same-sex wedding planner, my business has taken off and I am more than grateful for this opportunity.
I have established a seamless onboarding process for our clients and enhanced our marketing by hiring a team member to focus specifically on social media and marketing to ensure my efforts and attention can be focused on planning and being creative with our clients, I have learned more about what it means to not only be a business owner but a boss, a successful planner and a leader. This journey is just the beginning, but I am excited to see where it continues to lead my company!
Nasche’t Wells
Instagram: @muirluxtravel
What is the best advice I received from your mentor?
To give myself grace! It’s okay not to know how to do everything and be able to get everything done at once. Marketing is one big experiment! – Tayler Cusick-Hollman
Shaleema Jenkins
Instagram: @swishcalligraphy
What has been your favorite lesson so far?
My favorite lesson has been branding! I learned the meaning of how colors and fonts create a tone for your business. I learned how to maximize my Storefront and website pages in an effort to inform clients of my services and solidify their trust in hiring me.
Maya Elaine
Instagram: @morylaine
What is the best advice you’ve received from your mentor?
I love my mentor so much (shout out to Phillip VN for all the amazing help he’s been!) We’ve spoken every month since the program began and he’s given me ideas for growth I had never even considered before. After a conversation a few months ago about whether it was worth it for me to attend bridal shows, he gave me an idea for an alternative approach. He asked “are your clients at bridal shows?” and I realized they weren’t! Instead, I ended up sponsoring a local Pride event in June and set up a photo booth to connect with members of the community in a totally different way. It worked out amazing and I got to meet so many awesome people and even got some bookings!
Megan Bloomer
The Stonehouse at Silver Creek
Instagram: @thestonehouseatsilvercreek
How has your business changed since starting the program?
The Stonehouse at Silver Creek is a brand new, queer-owned and operated wedding venue located in Richmond, KY. Within a year of opening for business, the venue booked 30+ weddings.
With the support of the Fellowship for Change, we were not only able to confidently navigate the beginning stages of our business but also identify potential hurdles that would have come up 18-24 months down the road. We are grateful to have processes in place and to be keenly aware of what to expect over the next few years in the business. We could not have done it without the foresight the fellowship provided.
Ebony Whitson
Instagram: @whitsonwonder
What is something that surprised you about the program?
That the feelings I have of being overwhelmed or not good enough, of not knowing how to market myself or reach the right client, that I am struggling to keep up with all of the different generations and technology or how to work with each client at their level are not just me but are felt by every professional at every level.
Ariane Chew
How have you/your business changed since starting the program?
Since joining Fellowship for Change, my business practices and the way that I think as a business owner have changed tremendously. By listening to the educational modules and meeting with my mentor, I have been able to change my service offerings to be more in line with my pricing structure, added some enhancements to my offerings, and I have started to work on my rebrand. I am so grateful for this program and I know that by the end of the year, my business will be in tip-top shape!
Photo Credit: garetsworkshop /
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