Meet The 2022 WeddingPro Educators
At WeddingPro, we’re always on a mission to empower local wedding pros and elevate the industry through actionable, thought-provoking education. To help us do that even further in 2022, we’re excited to add some new faces to the WeddingPro Educator group. These wedding industry pros (who live all across the country and represent a mix of styles, budgets, backgrounds and experiences) share our mission to elevate the industry through education and local wedding community development. They’ll share their insights and expertise with us throughout the year during webinars, speaking engagements, blog posts and more. It’s time to meet our amazing lineup of 2022 educators below!
Alan Berg, CSP
I stand for… honesty, integrity and just being nice.
My clients are… wedding and event pros from solo-preneurs to large, multi-location businesses.
If I could… do it all again, I’d marry my wife, again!
One time I… played piano with a band at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Wedding Business Solutions LLC | @alanberg
Alejandra Baca
I stand for… making everyone feel seen, appreciated and loved.
My clients are… passionate people who want to make the world a better place.
If I could… I would travel the world with my kids.
One time I… moved to France to attend school for the summer and spent the weekends backpacking through Europe.
Belle the Magazine | @bellethemagazine
Aleya Harris, CPCE
I stand for… helping others become the version of themselves that is more capable of handling the journey towards their ultimate goals.
My clients are… heart-centered, motivated, curious, and empire-builders.
If I could… have one superpower, it would be to speak, read, and write in every language.
One time I… I was the only audience member for a Stevie Wonder + The Mormon Tabernacle Choir performance.
Flourish Marketing | @aleyaharris | | @thesocialmediapantry
Amy Shey Jacobs
I stand for… perseverance, personality and passion.
My clients are… incredibly inspiring, have impeccable taste, are warm and are fun! Every event tells their story.
If I could… relive all my favorite moments, eat all my favorite menus with all my favorite people dancing to all my favorite songs in one room—I would dance for days.
One time I… hosted an event in my pajamas in NJ, with a client in London, talent in LA and guests in Singapore. When the world was shut down, we went global!
Chandelier Events |@chandelierevent | Don’t Let the Day Go By | @dontletthedaygoby
Andrea Eppolito
I stand for… celebrating life, luxury, and above all else love.
My clients are… wonderful! They are educated, successful, and relentlessly in pursuit of beauty.
If I could… I would spend an entire summer in Europe with my family.
One time I… …one time? I normally do things at least twice!
Andrea Eppolito Events | @andreaeppolito
Beth Chapman
I stand for… helping wedding pros get comfortable with selling.
My clients are… styling – timeless and classic with a fashion twist | consulting- wedding professionals who want to increase their closing ratio.
If I could… wear any designer every day, it would Carolina Herrera.
One time I… was on The Today Show!
Beth Chapman Styling + Consulting | @bethchapmanstyling | The White Dress by the Shore | @thewhitedress
Bethel Nathan
I stand for… a world where empathy is the norm and where we lead with kindness and thoughtfulness and welcoming all.
My clients are… Ceremonies By Bethel: couples who have an awesome relationship and cannot wait to celebrate that in a personal and meaningful and fun way, and, therefore, in a way that is worthy of what they share. Elevate By Bethel: wedding pros who are great at what they do and now want to elevate and/or grow their business, leading to whatever success means to them.
If I could… move anywhere, I would be in one of three places: Florence, Italy, Melbourne, Australia, or Kona, Hawaii.
One time I… walked with three elephants in the Botswana bush (in the Okavango Delta), leading one of them with its trunk on my shoulder.
Elevate by Bethel | @elevatebybethel | Ceremonies by Bethel | @bethelnathan
Brian A M Green
I stand for… respect, courtesy and professionalism.
My clients are… excited about the wedding journey, focused on design and ready for a fabulous experience!
If I could… live anywhere it would be Paris, France.
One time I… hopped on a flight from Atlanta to NYC at 9AM just to walk around for the day and feel the energy of the city, have lunch and come right back again at 6PM
By BrianGreen, LLC | @bybriangreen
Brian B
I stand for… creatives delivering their best work.
My clients are… daring, trusting, musically diverse, exquisite, have a love for incredible food and travel, and are people I would want to hang out with on the regular well after their event is complete.
If I could… have unlimited funds to travel the world with zero responsibilities, I would be a nomad with my family.
One time I… was a keyboardist/vocalist in a disco cover band called “Afro-mative Action”.
DJ Brian B | @djbrianbofficial
Bron Hansboro
I stand for… accountability and how I make people feel.
My clients are… informed and intentional.
If I could… I would develop luxurious hospitality experiences for luxury hotels and professionally host large social events. I would also sell fine jewelry, antiques, and furs from an in-home studio
One time I… used to undersell wedding ceremonies LOL
The Flower Guy Bron | @theflowerguybron
Chris Jespersen
I stand for… joy.
My clients are… recognized for their accomplishments in politics, athletics, business, fashion, and the entertainment industry.
One time I… filmed everyday for 30 days.
Storybox Cinema | Chapter One Photo and Video | The Madison Venue | @cjespersen
Clara Hough
I stand for… loyalty & hard work.
My clients are… the driving force that inspires my creativity.
If I could… I would learn to speak every language.
One time I… was kissed by Hugh Jackman.
House of Hough | @houseofhough
Desireé M Dent

I stand for… authenticity
My clients are… trusting, creative, and inspiring
If I could… chat with my younger self, I’d tell her…that risk that you are afraid to take might change your life.
One time I… was a young black woman on the path of entrepreneurship, while eating sweets, with a drive to never give up.
Dejanae Events LLC | @dejanaeevents
Gurminder Banga
I stand for… being responsible
My clients are… versatile, stylish and colorful.
If I could… workout with anyone in the world I would shoot hoops with MJ!
One time I… ice climbed a frozen waterfall.
Jacqueline Hill

I stand for… integrity!
My clients are… thoughtful, trusting, and tasteful.
If I could… be at my son’s baseball game every night, I would be yelling proud!
One time I… performed a showcase at the Olympics!
Jacqueline Events & Design | @jacquelineevents
Jasmine Smith
I stand for… intentionality but in a way that’s in alignment with who I am and the impact I’d like to have on others.
My clients are… Innovative, Tech Savvy and Social Impact Focused
If I could… travel at least once a month to a new city or country, I would. A change of scenery is where I get my best inspiration.
One time I… took the biggest risk of my life and it ended up being one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Ask me about it if we ever meet in person.
Work With Jasmine | @thejasminesmith
Jason Jani
I stand for… authentic entertainment excellence.
My clients are… in search of incredibly personal experiences tied to the soundtrack of their events.
If I could… go anywhere on vacation, it would need to include a beach.
Jason Rhee
I stand for… inclusion and French fries.
My clients are… the best because they treat me like an artist.
If I could… I would want to bring joy to everyone.
One time I… accidentally told off Ben Stiller.
Rheefined Company | @jasonROARS | @therheefined
Jove Meyer
I stand for… love for all!!!
My clients are… Fabulous, Bold, Fun driven!!!
If I could… have one superpower it would be flight!
One time I… got a perm!
Jove Meyer Events | @jovemeyer
Kaleigh Wiese
I stand for… authenticity and real connection
My clients are… self aware, love to have a good time and willing to be vulnerable to grow.
If I could… teleport, I would spend many evenings with friends around the world sharing a meal and clicking wine!
One time I… took a 36 hour trip to London for the fun of it!
Visual Brand Strategist & Méldeen | @gokaleigh | @meldeen
Kinsey Roberts
I stand for… loyalty
My clients are… welcoming, kind, and delightful.
If I could… travel anywhere it would be on a tour through the UK to visit every Jane Austen-related shop, home, museum and anything else my fellow book nerds on Instagram recommend.
One time I… used Google Translate to get a tattoo in another language… does not say what I thought it did. (Google Translate just wasn’t the same in 2006, ya’ll)
Vista View Events | @shecreatesbusiness
Kirsten Palladino
I stand for… authenticity.
My clients are… excited to learn a new way of doing things to get better results.
If I could… I’d buy a vacation home in the mountains.
One time I… did a past life regression and learned about one of my past lives.
Equally Wed | @equallywed | Equally Wed Pro | @equallywedpro
Kristin Wilson
I stand for… loving what you do, leading by example and excelling at it all.
My clients are… passionate, thoughtful, adventurous, committed.
If I could… blaze a flaming trail of opportunity for all of those who don’t have a seat at the table quiet yet, that would make my cup overflow with joy.
One time I… climbed a mountain even though I’m terrified of heights.
Our DJ Rocks | @ourdjrocks | Photobooth Rocks | @photoboothrocks
Krysta York
I stand for… loyalty.
My clients are… fun, outgoing, stylish and very PNW (Pacific Northwest).
If I could… I would own a winery.
One time I… went ziplining and hung upside down.
Charlotte’s Weddings & More | @krystaleighmac
Kunbi Odubogun
I stand for… authenticity.
My clients are… creative, determined GAME CHANGERS.
If I could… be anyone, I would be myself. All day, everyday.
One time I… took a nap. Because that’s my secret to success!
Legally Set | @legallyset | @kunbiesq
Leah Weinberg
I stand for… authenticity, hospitality, connection, and honesty.
My clients are… thoughtful, intentional, hospitable, and wanting a wedding that feels like them.
If I could… travel anywhere tomorrow, it would be to Venice, Italy.
One time I… photographed an Oasis concert in Rome for a music magazine.
Color Pop Events | @colorpopevents
Manolo Doreste
I stand for… love, fun and connections.
My clients are… laidback & sophisticated.
If I could… be on Broadway, watch out Hamilton!
One time I… groped Liza Minnelli.
Manolo Doreste Photographer | @manolodoreste
Meghan Ely
I stand for… transparency + kindness.
My clients are… the very best at what they do, and have a deep appreciation for the wedding industry.
If I could… I would hit the road with my family and travel the world.
One time I… had a near meltdown in a car after giving a talk because I thought I didn’t do well – but then it won Program of the Year. Which just goes to show we are all probably too hard on ourselves.
OFD Consulting | @ofdconsulting
Nadia S. Anderson, CPA
I stand for… kindness and grace. We could all use a bit more of each.
My clients are… busy professionals who value expertise and convenience. I love serving them because they trust me!
If I could… go back to school I would study psychology. The human mind and behaviors are so interesting to me.
One time I… had a national recording artist as a wedding crasher! She grabbed the mic and surprised the couple with a serenade. Unforgettable!
Nadia S. Anderson, CPA | Virginia Grace Event Management | @nadiathecpa
Nayri Kalayjian
I stand for… love and helping women feel beautiful and confident in the most important article of clothing they will ever wear!
My clients are… strong, remarkable and talented women!
If I could… travel the world tomorrow… I’ll be on the first available plane!
One time I… decided to learn how to ride horses as an adult and now when I’m not working, styling brides, educating, or traveling you can find me riding and competing.
Wedding Fashion Expert of Lovella Bridal | @weddingfashionexpert | @lovellabridal | @lovellaplus
Petronella Lugemwa
I stand for… celebrating what makes you different makes you beautiful.
My clients are… intentional, discerning, know what they want & value celebrating culture & family.
If I could… have a city code name like one of the characters in Money Heist, it would be Entebbe, Merida or Milan.
One time I… selected to go on a Mystery trip with my graduate classmates where we didn’t know where we were going until we arrived at the airport. We ended up in Australia.
Petronella Photography | @petronellaphotography
Sara Dunn
I stand for… honest advice, transparency, and “no dumb questions” teaching.
My clients are… talented and dedicated wedding pros who give their all to their couples.
If I could… have one superpower, it would be the ability to be in multiple places at once (think Hermione’s Time Turner!).
One time I… won a trip to Ireland and barely slept for 3 days so I could see as much as I could!
Terri Baskin
I stand for… creating a legacy in my work that withstands current trends.
My clients are… joyful, romantic and fun who trust their hired professionals.
If I could… I would surprise all of my family and friends with an all expenses paid vacation to Jamaica.
One time I… was given the opportunity to photograph an engagement session anywhere and I couldn’t think of a location… lol.
Terri Baskin Photography | @terribaskin
I stand for… equality, romance and Haribo gummy bears.
My clients are… romantics who adore entertaining with intention and detail.
If I could… have any superpower, it would be time travel. Let’s mess with The Matrix, shall we?
One time I… had to sing a client’s first dance song.
Cocktails & Details® | @cocktailterrica | Terrica Inc.
Tom Chelednik
I stand for… Integrity.
My clients are… wanting to learn and improve their sales and marketing results.
If I could… I would like to have dinner with my parents one more time.
One time I… was in a movie.
The Treasury Collection | @tom_chelednik
Troy Adams
I stand for… authenticity, understanding, grace & unbridled joy.
My clients are… the reason why I do this, because the moments we create & relationships we build shape lives.
If I could… trade everything I own for one thing, it would be for time. It’s a gift, a currency, and it lasts forever.
One time I… took three months and drove across the country by myself from Maine to New Orleans to Salt Lake City and everywhere in between to visit friends along the way and experience everything I could!
Carolina DJ Professionals | @carolinadjpros | @djtroyadams
Vanessa Joy
I stand for… love and compassion.
My clients are… full of life, love their friends and families and value their memories.
If I could… I’d never stop helping children in need – and plan on it!
One time I… lived in Brazil for six weeks and learned Portuguese.
Vanessa Joy Photography | @vanessajoy
Yasmeen Tadia
I stand for… make the world sweeter.
My clients are… innovative, creative, and inspiring.
If I could… move to a third world country and help educate the young girls… I would be on a plane tomorrow!
One time I… became a single mom, and realized that would be the most important task I would ever be given.
Make Your Life Sweeter® | @makeyourlifesweeter | @yasmeentadia
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