
How to answer pricing questions - WeddingPro

Turn Pricing Questions into Bookings: 7 Savvy Answers to Help You Seal the Deal

With the rising costs of, well, everything right now, it’s no surprise that 80% of couples report looking for your prices first. The result? You spend time fielding pricing questions during your first interaction with potential clients.  And it’s understandable. After all, no couple wants to get excited about your service only to then find…

Wedding business empower their team to make the sale
Closing the Sale Sales

How to Empower Your Team to Make the Sale

Tips to help you create a sales process    Let’s face it, sometimes, selling your services can be hard, especially...

Convert leads latine couple happy smiling
Lead Replies Sales

Webinar Recap: Get More Leads, Make More Bookings

With lead conversion being top of mind for so many pros, it makes sense that 40% of wedding pros are...

Email templates for couple going over their budget
Communication Pricing Sales

Email Templates to Answer “How Much Do Your Services Cost?”

Reply to pricing questions with confidence    Of all the questions you get asked by potential clients, there is one...

Woman checking lead replies on laptop
Lead Replies Sales

Webinar Recap: How to Get Couples to Reply and Book You

One of the top things on your mind on any given day is converting more leads into bookings. And that...

two woman discussing pricing and price increases
Communication Pricing Your Couples

Hard Conversations: How to Talk About Price Changes

It’s a question almost every wedding pro will hear at some point: My friend told me they paid this much...

Pricing questions answered by confident woman
Pricing Sales

Pricing and Imposter Syndrome

How to have confidence answering tough questions about your rates   Talking about money isn’t easy for a lot of...

pricing for couples online
Communication Pricing Your Couples

How to Educate Couples About Your Pricing

Advice to help you have the money talk with your couples Pricing is one of the most complicated topics for...

Lead Replies Sales

What Happens if You Get Ghosted After Signing a Contract?

Advice about what to do if a client ghosts you   It happens to most pros. You’ve exchanged a few...

woman on laptop fighting inflation costs
Entrepreneurship Finance Pricing

How Inflation and Supply Chain Issues Might Affect Your Wedding Business

You probably never thought you’d be getting a crash course in economics here on the WeddingPro blog, but with businesses...