How to Get More Leads
ByRegardless of how many years you have been in business, there is a certain pressure you put on yourself to book clients—for obvious reasons. Because, part of what it takes to build a successful business in the wedding industry is really just a numbers game. How many weddings do you need to have on the calendar every year? How many leads do you need in your funnel in order to do that? And, while the answers to those questions can spur all of the emotions (excitement, worry, and everything in between), they are also usually followed by another question. Namely, “How can I get more?”
Having more leads is always a benefit to your business because the percentage of leads that turn into booked clients can be inconsistent when you are just starting out. On the flip side, if you are trying to grow your team, increasing the number of leads you have (and consistently booking past your capacity) is an important phase in growth. So, whether you are thinking about how to get more wedding clients in order to book your first wedding or bring on a new associate, we wanted to share the five most important (and most effective) things you can do to increase your inquiries. Keep reading to learn how each can help you generate more wedding leads as well as get tips to help you make the most out of your marketing.
Invest in advertising
If there is one marketing tactic that is underutilized in the wedding industry, it is advertising. Maybe it’s because people think the world of advertising is still like what they saw in Mad Men, that getting started is complicated or that having a website and posting on social media is enough. All of these reasons couldn’t be further from the truth and advertising is one of the best ways to put your wedding business in front of more curious couples—especially because The Knot and WeddingWire have spent decades doing everything they can to be the first place couples turn to as they get engaged. Having Storefronts connects you with the millions of couples who visit The Knot and WeddingWire every year and who are looking to inquire with pros just like you.
Don’t have your Storefronts set up yet? Get in touch and one of our team members will reach out to get you started!
Leverage your client reviews
One of the most important things you need to do in order to get a couple to submit an inquiry is build trust. Trust in the fact you are a professional. Trust in the fact that you have experience. Trust in the fact that you can help them bring their specific wedding vision to life. And, there is no better way to do that than putting your client reviews to work. Your previous clients (and their words about how great it was to work with you) are incredibly powerful marketing tools—which is why having them on your Storefronts is a marketing must-do.
Pro-tip: There are lots of ways you can leverage your client reviews to get more leads. Be sure to learn how to market your wedding business with client reviews and how to ask for a review before the wedding has even taken place (hello COVID-19) after finishing this article.
Be consistent on social media
Social media marketing is an effective way to increase your business’ visibility—when you have a plan to help keep you consistent. We know it can be a struggle to find the time to curate photos, create videos, and write compelling captions but, if you are wanting to do everything you can to book more business, this is a piece of the puzzle. If you are looking for a way to be more consistent, try blocking off one day a month to batch your content creation. Since it often can be hard to get into the writing groove, having content planning and prep days will help you consistently show up to your followers. The key is to make sure you are putting effort into the platforms your potential clients are on and define a plan that is realistic for you to keep up with.
Pro-tip: Knowing the difference between Millennials and Gen Z is important to figuring out which platforms you should be on and, once you do, this piece with social media tips will help you create a plan.
Optimize everything for SEO
When it comes to making sure your business is generating leads, having an online presence that is optimized for search is imperative—and we can’t stress it enough. Because, if you’re trying to figure out how to get more wedding leads, you need to do what you can to put your brand in front of couples who might not even know what they are looking for. Having a Storefront on The Knot and WeddingWire will help you do that since it gives you the ability to leverage the SEO power those websites have, but you also need to familiarize yourself with SEO. From blogging to help you get in front of couples who are typing their questions into search engines to optimizing the images and copy on your website, this is definitely something to invest in.
Pro-tip: The copy on your website is one of the main tools to optimization but knowing how to write website copy that converts is a great skill to have too.
Brush up on your networking skills
Knowing how to get more wedding clients is sometimes about who you know, which is why networking should be a part of your marketing plan (even if it pushes you outside of your comfort zone). Whether your vendor friends get asked for recommendations or are sending you leads because they are unavailable for the inquiry date, investing time and energy into your professional relationships can help you grow your business. Take the time to sharpen your networking strategies, learn how to build relationships with intention, and become a pro at networking over the internet.
Pro-tip: When you are building your network, find opportunities to get on preferred vendor lists. They can be a great way to get more leads while strengthening your relationships with other wedding pros.
Ready to get more leads for your wedding business? Get started with advertising on the best wedding marketplaces in the industry today!
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